Meet our Team

Samantha Fung, Founder of Music for Every Child

Samantha Fung

Founder and Director of Partnerships and Development

I peeked through a crack in the door and my eyes scanned the classroom. Unlike any other I’ve seen, it had a kitchen, washing machines, and beanbag chairs on the floor. The teacher invited me in and introduced me to the five students. I was intimidated by them; they were all older than me and they were non-verbal so I had trouble communicating with them. The special-ed teacher gave me a book I was to read to one of the students named Abdul. As I sat and slowly went through what seemed like a kindergarten-level book, my boredom died out each time I glanced over at Abdul and saw how immersed he was in the book. Before I knew it, the period was over and I had to return to my homeroom class. Reaching the door, I fumbled with the child lock that was placed on the handle. Finally making my way through, I realized that this lock would make it impossible for the students with developmental disabilities to leave the room without assistance. I glanced back down the hall at the isolated classroom, my thoughts clouded by how I would never have known about the existence of this entire class if it wasn’t for my teacher who invited me to volunteer.

I have always been a high achiever, wanting to do better than my best in everything. With a plethora of activities, I never found boredom and instead was always looking for a chance to have some downtime. When I started volunteering in the special education program prior to COVID, I was inspired by how these students, despite facing so many more challenges than I did, had a much more positive attitude and showed a keenness in learning I’d never seen before. Working with the students and seeing how much they improved over the year warmed my heart, and I was sad to be moving schools in grade 6.

Little did I know that this was the least of my concerns. Inspired by my experiences at my elementary school, I also started volunteering at my middle school, but was soon unable to due to the pandemic. My friends and I took a huge hit with online learning, but I could only imagine how much worse it would be for children with developmental disabilities and their families. I knew that they did not adapt well to big changes, nor were they able to learn on a virtual platform. This is when another passion blossomed in me; rather than always focusing on myself and being the best I could be, I wanted to make use of my skills to help others and have an impact on the world.

Starting Music For Every Child and developing it with my friends has been a unique journey that I’ve learned so much from. I could go on and on about all of our awards and achievements or of the skills I’ve gained such as improved collaboration, responsibility, and communication. But most importantly, Music For Every Child helped me shape the person I want to become. The person that I hope will shine through in my profile. Someone who strives for self-improvement, but also to become a leader in the world and share the joy of giving.

Aside from MFEC, I am a Grade 10 student of the Peel Regional High Performer Program. I am an Ontario Champion in Gymnastics, currently competing at NCAA level 10. I love playing the piano and I am a flutist with Mississauga Youth Symphony Orchestra. I have a black belt in Karate and have been dancing ballet for 11 years. In my spare time I enjoy spending time outdoors. My favorite outdoor activity is flying a glider plane with my Air Cadet friends.

Natalie Kwan, Executive Director, Music for Every Child

Natalie Kwan

Executive Director

Natalie is passionate about working with children and youth from all ages and backgrounds. She holds a HBA in Political Science, and is currently pursuing her Master’s of Teaching Degree at OISE (UofT), while working full-time as a Boarding Advisor at Havergal College with a wonderful group of international students. As an alum of United World College (LPC), Natalie is a strong believer that education is a force to unite people, nations, and cultures to create a just, equitable, and sustainable world. She strives not only to mobilize educational research in marginalized fields, but bring into action a deep commitment to learning and teaching excellence. Outside of school and work, Natalie enjoys all things fitness including bouldering, strength training, barre, and swimming. She is also a part of the Erin Mills Women’s Council under the leadership of MP Iqra Khalid.

Kenisha, Director of Human Resources, Music for Every Child


Director of Human Resources

​​My name is Kenisha and I’m a high school student. Aside from MFEC, I am a part of the student council at my school, I work part-time as an Assistant Teacher, and I enjoy volunteering with causes that support climate change as well as youth leadership. I also enjoy graphic design, listening to music, dance, spending time outdoors, and swimming. I’m looking forward to growing and gaining new skills as part of the MFEC team!

Lauren, Director of Operations, Music for Every Child


Director of Operations

Lauren is passionate about helping children and enhancing care and education for special needs students through her work with Music For Every Child. As a first-year Life Sciences student at McMaster University and a member of the varsity fencing team, she balances her academic and athletic pursuits with her love for music. Having played piano since the age of six, music is a significant part of her life. She firmly believes in its power to influence the mind and is dedicated to increasing access to music for marginalized communities while inspiring youth to make a positive impact. In her free time, Lauren enjoys crocheting, knitting, baking sourdough, and diving into fantasy books.

Hi, I’m Dani! I’m a member of the Funding Team for the Music For Every Child organization. I’m going into 9th grade in the 2024-2025 school year. In middle school, I participated in the International Business and Technology program. While not working for MFEC, I enjoy playing piano, violin, marimba, percussion, guitar, and ukulele in my free time. I also play volleyball in a developmental league and aspire to be on the high school volleyball team. I love being a part of MFEC and can’t wait to see what the future holds for this incredible organization!

Music for Every Child

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